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How Much Does It Cost To Ship a Boat? by AA Car Transport

A boat is not your typical average vehicle you can mount on a carrier, start the engine and go; there are special considerations that must be taken care off before your transport and to calculate your price in order to see if you are getting a convenience or an inconvenience when boarding this shipping adventure. There are a couple of factors that will affect your price when transporting your boat, read along and learn how you can save on shipping your boat and get the best out of this experience.

South Florida Regatta is almost back again and you’re starting to get in shape in order to join the thousands of cruisers that attend the event every year. Coolers are ready, ice bags, food, water, alcohol, music and your party spirit is on! Only thing missing: your boat! Having a ship may not be one of your most precious belongings, yet for some people even though they may only use it a couple times throughout the year, this is one of the sweetest rides they own. What a better excuse to show it off than on events like these. Only a small detail: how are you going to get it there? Let’s face it, the cost to ship a boat is not the sum of all the pennies and nickels you’ll find under the sofa, not even the ones you’ve managed to save in your kitchen counter piggy bank. In order to ship a boat you must prepare in advance and be ready to pay good prices in order to get what you need, when you need it.

Size matters. Yes! Size does matter! It’s not the same to transport a small powerboat than a 40 foot yacht. The bigger the boat, the higher the price as you will need more accommodations and security measures. The height and width of the boat are very important as carriers have certain clearance standards they have to meet in order to transport your boat safely. Make sure you provide the exact measurements of your boat in order to get priced correctly.

How Much Does It Cost To Ship A Boat?

Location. Where you are located and where you need your boat delivered, also play a very important part for price calculations. Boats require more loading space and the more you are off road or inside a secluded area, the higher the price, as drivers will have to get off main routes in order to load your boat. If you are located in a state with a coastal line, try to schedule your pick up from a marina, this will facilitate loading for driver and you will get assistance from the marina as well to prep your ship for the road.  If you are located in a secluded are, gated communities or narrow streets, make sure you arrange to meet your driver at an open area such as parking lot. This will save time and money.

It’s all about the miles. Location is not only important, but the distance from point to point is also very important. Most of the drivers are paid by the mile; the more the miles, the higher their rate.

Gas prices. Gas prices also affect the price factor greatly. Higher gas prices demand higher pay in order to cover all the route expenses. Make sure you check out fuel cost when booking in order to have an idea of how much a driver will need.

The price is right. When you get an estimate quote and it sounds too good to be true, stay away from it! Low prices usually result in extra charges at the end, inexperienced drivers, bad service and loss or damage. Boat transport is an expensive service, if priced incorrectly chances are you will get a very poor service.

Time. The more flexible the better price and accommodations you will find. Booking a boat transport should be done at least with 2 months in advance in order to get every single detail covered and better possibilities of hitting a good price. Last minute notices will result in very expensive quotes and due to the hassle and little time; it may even result in poor security measures and a very bad experience.

Make sure you put all these factors together in order to calculate your shipment price better. Remember, boat transport is supposed to be an expensive service, do not be surprised with high prices, however, don’t be fooled with very low prices either.


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